2 April 2011 Earth Science Sites of the Week

Editor’s Picks: 1) Japan Earthquake: before and after, **2) Dust Devil Routes Soccer Players,
***3) Seasons and Ecliptic Simulator, 4) World of Teaching PowerPoint’s, ***5) Geography in Animations.


Site Name
Site URL
Site Author
Geocaching, Benchmark Hunting, EarthCache
Suggested by
Paul Levin
“If you are in needing an introduction to GeoCaching, these are some good sites to use.”

Site Name
Creating Elevation Profile with Google Maps and USGS Digital Geologic Maps.
Site URL
Site Author
Paleontological Research Institution
Suggested by
Don Duggen Hass
“This video shows you how to combine Google Earth’s Elevation Profile Tool with the USGS’s Digital Geologic Maps of the US States.  You can quickly create a way of comparing topography with the underlying bedrock geology. “

Site Name
Impact of the Honshu Quake
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Site Author
Steve Kluge
Suggested by
Steve Kluge
Here are some of the truly incredible things that happened during the great Tohoku Quake near Honshu, Japan on 3/11/2011:
  • The northeastern shore of the island near the epicenter moved eastward more than 4m during the quake!  The western part of the island moved eastward by somewhat less than a meter....So northern Japan is now some 3+m wider than it was prior to the quake! (turn on the Japan-slip overlay in the file I sent).  I'm assuming that there was significant compressional stress built up in the island, and it expanded eastward as that stress was released during the quake.
  • The motion along the boundary between the subducted Pacific Plate and the overriding Okhotsk Plate* on was on the order of 24m at the epicenter!  (turn on the Japan-mainshock-slip overlay in the file I sent).  Apparently almost all of the motion was accommodated by the overriding plate moving eastward and up, while the Pacific Plate hardly moved. * The Okhotsk Plate is part of the larger North American Plate.
  • The upward movement of the plate raised the level of the seafloor just west of the trench an astounding 4.5+m, and created a basin 2+m deep off the shore (turn on the Japan-uplift-and-subsidence overlay in the file I sent).  The subsidence of the seafloor lowered the island by about 1m along the shore there (which would have the effect of moving the shoreline inland, but not the rocks under it).  I don't know this for a fact, but it seems like a 5m rise in the seafloor and a simultaneous lowering of the coastline would have added significantly to the damage caused by the tsunami.


Site Name
Japan Earthquake: before and after
Site URL
Site Author
ABC News
Suggested by
Barbara J. Wallner
These are before and after pictures of the Japan coast from the tsunami.
There is a black line on the right side of each picture; drag it over each picture.
Very impressive.

Site Name
Motion of Water within a Wind Wave Animation
Site URL
Site Author
Suggested by
Larry Mascotti
“Under the surface - Although the surface of a wind wave appears to move forward in the general direction of the wind, the water inside a wind wave doesn't move forward very much.”


Site Name
Greenhouse Effect Animation
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Site Author
Suggested by
Larry Mascotti
Short interactive explaining the greenhouse effect and global warming

Site Name
Center for Climate Change Law
Site URL
Site Author   
Columbia Law School
Suggested by
Mike Passow
“The Columbia University Law School has a Center for Climate Change Law. There is much on this website that might be of interest to students and teachers.”

Site Name
Dust Devil Routs Soccer Players
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Site Author   
Suggested by
John Nelson
View fascinating video of a dust devil forming in the middle of a Japanese soccer field – while the game is being played.  Final Score: Dust Devil 23 Soccer Team 0.

Site Name
Seasons and Ecliptic Simulator
Site URL
Site Author   
University of Nebraska
Suggested by
Karen Huddleston
Use this effective interactive to show how the sunlight varies throughout the year for various locations.  You can vary observer’s latitude, season, perspective, sunbeam spread, and sunlight angle. 


Site Name
Fun with Orbits
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Site Author
Suggested by
David Robinson
“Kids have a great time playing with a Mac program called orbits.  Now there is something on the web that is almost as good.”

Site Name
Sizing Up the Universe
Site URL
Site Author
Smithsonian Education
Suggested by
Marcella Vallarino
“This is a great lesson plan for teaching about the universe.”


Site Name
World of Teaching PowerPoint’s
Site URL
Site Author
World of Teaching
Suggested by
Mark Francek
Scroll down to view content.  `Free Microsoft Power point TM presentations biology Chemistry Math English History Physics Geography Spanish PowerPoint’s.. Use and alter these presentations freely or any power point template used in this presentations site for other teachers.` Caution: use only after reviewing content.

Site Name
Online Diagnostic Earth Science Tests
Site URL
Site Author
Review Earth Science
Suggested by
Chris Sheehan
Students can take 15 different online diagnostic tests to see which earth science topic(s) they are weak in.  Tests are composed of old regents’ questions and range from 10-30 questions.  Students receive a certificate of completion upon scoring an 80% or higher.  If a student is unable to pass the exam they know they need to study more on that particular topic.”

Site Name
Geography in Animations
Site Author
Animated Geography
Hannah Murphy
“Animations in geography, particularly in physical geography, can help you to understand the complex processes that take place at or close to the surface of the earth. The animated diagrams and maps speed up time, giving you the opportunity to see and understand the long term changes that take place at or near the surface of the Earth. Many of the animations are also interactive.”


Tips for Cooperative Learning Groups
Suggested by
Robbie Robinette
“I often have kids work in groups of 4.  In our professional development we have been told about assigning roles for the kids during group work.  Which is great.  But I feel like there are only 3 "real" jobs... 
1. recorder - records the info
2. materials - gets the materials (sometimes this can be 2 people, but often not)
3. speaker - presents data to the class
The 4th role
, I would make the 4th person a Tech Officer to do any computer related work, like running ppts, showing graphics, etc. Thanks!

Computer Tips

Site Name
Tectonic Application
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Site Author
Suggested by
Gene Williamson
“Vulcano's Timeline adds 4D visualizations to our earth’s rumbles. The timeline shows the Mag, Depth, Lat, Long, and date of the on-screen activity.”


Site Name
Hand Warmers
Suggested by
Judy Foulke
“Hand warmers are great for demonstrating exothermic reactions. I empty the iron filings into a plastic bag and seal it quickly, then open a corner and ask a student to use a temperature probe and find the temperature. Then we open the bag, expose the filings to air and shake the bag. Then we take a second temperature reading. You could also ask students to feel the outside of the bag at the beginning of your demo and then after you've exposed the filings to air.

Water vapor in the air acts as a catalyst; the iron filings rust or form iron oxide.

You could compare this to an endothermic reaction such as adding vinegar to baking soda. My students are usually perplexed by this. They associate vinegar and baking soda with "make a volcano" projects. Lava is hot, so they expect the vinegar/baking soda concoction to be hot, and are quite surprised when it's not.”


First from a sponge biologist at Oregon State University:  "It is better to be approximately correct and understandable than to be academically accurate and incomprehensible."  Don Giles, 1971
Suggested by
Gene Williamson


Six Truths in Life
Suggested by
Tim Wozniak
1.  You cannot stick your tongue out and look up at the ceiling at the same time - a physical impossibility.
2.  All knuckleheads, after reading #1 will try it.
3.  And discover #1 is a lie.
4. You are smiling now because you are a knucklehead.
5.  You soon will forward this to another knucklehead.
6.  There is still a smile on your face.

For Any Oldies Who Don’t Know What Lol Means!!!
Site URL
Site Author
Talk Photography
Suggested by
Fran Hess
So when you see AAMOF As A Matter Of Fact to ZZZ Sleeping, Bored, Tired you’ll know what the kids are talking about.

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