26 March 2011 Earth Science Sites of the Week

Editor’s Picks: 1) Motions of the Sun Simulator, **2) How the Earth was Made, ***3) Music Creator, 4) Advance Organizer / Class Agenda, 5) 1. New Lyrics to Accommodate Aging Baby Boomers, *6) Beautiful Coat.


Site Name
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Site Author
Suggested by
Nicole Y. Murawski
“EARTHTIME is an organized, community-based international scientific initiative aimed at sequencing Earth history through the integration of high-precision geochronology and quantitative chronostratigraphy. Our main goal is the development of the geochronological techniques necessary to produce temporal constraints with uncertainties approaching 0.1 percent of the radioisotopic ages.”

Site Name
The Timescale of Life
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Site Author
Suggested by
Bryce Hand
“Enter any pair of organisms (e.g., dog and cat, human and red oak, or cow and amoeba), and within seconds you'll be given the best estimate of time since their last common ancestor.  The site also gives specifics about particular studies/determination that bear on the question.”
“TimeTree is a public knowledge-base for information on the evolutionary timescale of life. A search utility allows exploration of the thousands of divergence times among organisms in the published literature. A tree-based (hierarchical) system is used to identify all published molecular time estimates bearing on the divergence of two chosen taxa, such as species, compute summary statistics, and present the results. Names of two taxa to be compared are entered in the search window and the results are presented on a separate page.”

Site Name
Antipode Calculator
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Site Author
Solution Realm Software
Suggested by
Katie Izzi
Show U.S. students that after digging through the earth you won’t end up in China. “In geography, the antipodes of any place on Earth is its antipodal point; that is, the region on the Earth's surface which is diametrically opposite to it. Two points which are antipodal to one another are connected by a straight line through the centre of the Earth. Double-click on or move the original map to set a marker on a desired location. The antipode map will automatically show it's antipodal location.”


Site Name
The Beach Chair Scientist
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Site Author
Suggested by
Ann McHallaton
“I just wanted to remind you about a quick and easy resource you can share with your students if they have a marine science related question. The Beach Chair Scientist likes to bring a simplified perspective to the questions you have while relaxing on the beach.”


Site Name
Climate Change Resources
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Site Author
Suggested by
Pete Saracino
“Welcome to the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network. Explore our reviewed collection of educational resources. Learn how you can build your students' understanding of the core ideas in climate and energy science.”


Site Name
Star Size Comparison - No, You Are Not The Center Of The Universe!
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Site Author
Suggested by
Bill Dicks
Find a video contrasting the size of different stars.

Site Name
Mega Explosion on Sun
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Site Author
Suggested by
Pete Saracino
“…..I believe it happened Dec. 6th”

Site Name
Motions of the Sun Simulator
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Site Author
University of Nebraska
Suggested by
Trenton England
This simulator is ideal for authoring labs dealing with earth sun relationships.


Site Name
How the Earth was Made
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Site Author
Suggested by
Charles Burrows
You can watch thirteen partial episodes on various topics related to geology. Ideal for incorporation into a lecture.

Site Name
Music Creator - Nudge
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Site Author
Suggested by
Emmanuel Eagelson
“This link is mainly focused upon the creation of music.  However because of how the resource is set up, it is easy for students to see the relation of pitch and rhythm in this particular resource.  Pitch and Rhythm can apply to science depending upon the nature that the teacher chooses.  This site also allows the students to learn these basics of music on their own, as they are the manipulators of the music created. ““Everyone can create music Select 1 of 8 different Sound Patterns from the small Matrixes icons on the right. Use your mouse to draw notes on each 16 Step Matrix. Adjust the volume of the iNudge.”


Site Name
Forget What You Know About Good Study Habits
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Site Author
Suggested by
Maria Malzone
“What you know about study habits may not be true.”

Tip Name
Advance Organizer / Class Agenda
Suggested by
Jim Therrell
Do you want to gain clarity and confidence in what you’re presenting? Do you want your students to see that you’re organized? Give your students a short agenda each class of 2-4 focal points for that day. Write these on your whiteboard, so they now have a constant reminder and framework for their brain to relate to your content (“What is he/she talking about?! Oh yeah, must be that second item. . .”). This easy, time-tested, research-based tool will help smooth the path to better listening, discussions, and learning in your class.

Limit Search Domains
Suggested by
Virginia Malone
Google includes everything when you search. You can refine the search to limit the type of sites. 
1.Put terms in quotes
2. Add site followed by a colon and dot domain
3. You can add domains by putting 2 vertical lines followed by site colon dot domain.
This may be very useful to students to eliminate blogs and various other sites of misinformation. This works with some other search engines as well as Google.Example one domain "geology" site:.gov  Example two domains "geology" site:.gov || site:.edu

Computer Tips

Site Name
PDF Split and Merge
Site URL
Site Author
Suggested by
Jeff Utz
“You can use this program to split up PDF files into individual pages and combine PDF files into one.”


Site Name
Density of Liquids
Suggested by
Fred Zaltas
“Density is the measurement of how much mass something has. The more tightly packed together the molecules, the denser the substance is; the more loosely packed the molecules, the lighter or less dense it is. The concept of density can be taught using a few simple household items and can be easily re-created at home by the students. The following activities introducing density are appropriate for upper elementary and middle-school students.

Density of Liquids
Most people know that oil and water don't mix but don't understand why.
Oil is less dense than water and will float on top of water when both are placed into the same container.

Create an activity that teaches about the density of oil, water and salt. Fill a glass about  full of cold water. Pour oil into the glass and wait for the liquids to settle. Sprinkle salt over the surface of the water.

Since salt is more dense than either water or oil, it sinks to the bottom of the glass, with a small amount of oil clinging to the salt. As the salt dissolves, the oil cannot cling to it, and the oil will float back up to the top of the glass.

Continue the activity on the density of liquids by placing maple syrup, water and oil into a glass container. Once all the liquids have settled, you should see the maple syrup on the bottom level, water in the middle and oil on top. Hypothesize why this would be so, and work with other liquids to test their density.

Floating Raisins
Conduct an experiment about buoyancy and density with a few simple household items. For this activity you will need a clear carbonated beverage, raisins and a transparent glass.

Pour the carbonated liquid into the glass, and sprinkle in some raisins.
You should notice that the raisins will initially sink to the bottom of the container but will then float up, becoming covered in carbonation bubbles. When the air bubbles pop, the raisins will descend; then they'll again become covered in more bubbles and float again. Although raisins are denser than the liquid, the bubbles clinging to the raisins act as water wings, helping the raisins stay afloat.

Expand the project by studying how raisins might act in different liquids. Is there anything you do could to the raisins that might affect their ability to float or sink?

Comparing Size and Density
Remind students that weight, size or mass does not indicate how dense an object is. For this activity you will need several brands of bar soap (including a bar of Ivory soap) that are roughly the same size, a small sliver of soap from one of the other tested brands, water, a scale, and a large transparent bowl.

Measure and record the weight of each bar of soap, and hypothesize whether each piece of soap will sink or float when placed in water.

Slowly place each soap bar into a bowl of water and observe what happens. You should notice that although the Ivory soap was the heaviest, it floated while the other sank. Even the soap bar sliver, which was lighter than the Ivory soap, sank to the bottom. (See Resource "Exploration Station: Bar Soap Experiment" for sample project with charts and photos.)

The soaps that sank to the bottom had highly packed together molecules, and were denser than the water. Unlike the other soaps, Ivory is manufactured with whipped air. Since the air inside the soap is less dense than water it helps the soap to stay afloat.”


“Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" - Carl Sagan
Suggested by
Russ Lain


New lyrics to accommodate aging baby boomers
Suggested by
Tim Wozniak
“Some of the artists of the '60s & '70s are revising their hits with new lyrics to accommodate aging baby boomers. They include:

Bobby Darin - Splish, Splash, I Was Havin' A Flash
Herman's Hermits - Mrs. Brown, You've Got a Lovely Walker
Ringo Starr - I Get By With A Little Help From Depends
The Bee Gees - How Can You Mend A Broken Hip
Roberta Flack - The First Time Ever I Forgot Your Face
Johnny Nash - I Can't See Clearly Now
Paul Simon - Fifty Ways To Lose Your Liver
The Commodores - Once, Twice, Three Times To The Bathroom
Procol Harem - A Whiter Shade Of Hair
Leo Sayer -  You Make Me Feel Like Napping
The Temptations -  Papa's Got A Kidney Stone
Abba - Denture Queen
Tony Orlando - Knock 3 Times On The Ceiling If You Hear Me Fall
Helen Reddy - I Am Woman, Hear Me Snore

Leslie Gore - It's My Procedure, and I'll Cry If I Want To
And Last but NOT least...
Willie Nelson - On the Commode Again”

Site Name
Beautiful Coat
Site URL
Site Author
El Rellano
Suggested by
Larry Claypool
Anti fur activists will end up happy after viewing this one.

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