9 April 2011 Earth Science Sites of the Week

Editor’s Picks: **1) Plate Tectonics, Earth Structure, Earthquake, and Volcano, 2) Four Degrees and Beyond: the Potential for a Global Temperature Increase of Four Degrees and its Implications, 3) Twitter Pictures from Space, 4) Live Eagle Cam, 5) Teaching Methods, 6) Twizzler Radiometric Dating. ***7) Teacher Survivor – The Latest Reality Show – Except it IS Reality


Site Name
Plate Tectonics, Earth Structure, Earthquake, and Volcano Animations
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Site Author
Suggested by
Mike Hubenthal
“Each series of animations below contains text, graphics, animations, and videos to help teach Earth Science fundamentals.”

Site Name
The Public Land Survey System
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Site Author
National Atlas of United States
Suggested by
Zach Robinson
“The Public Land Survey System (PLSS) is a way of subdividing and describing land in the United States.” Find out more about Township and Range here.


Site Name
Debunking the Bermuda Triangle
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Site Author
Suggested by
Mike Moellering
“Step aside outer space aliens, time anomalies, submerged giant Atlantean pyramids and bizarre meteorological phenomena ... the "Triangle" simply suffers from an acute case of gas.”


Site Name
Four Degrees and Beyond: the Potential for a Global Temperature Increase of Four Degrees and its Implications
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Site Author
The Royal Society
Suggested by
Dave Smith
“A special issue collecting papers examining the likelihood of a 4C rise in global temperature, perhaps as soon as the 2060s or 2070s, and the resulting impacts on the global system.  Free downloads today.”


Site Name
Twitter Pictures from Space
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Site Author
Suggested by
Steve Houston
“NASA is famed for its expensive, complicated, high-tech gadgetry, but lately, some astronauts have been resorting to a very down-to-earth medium of communication to share their magnificent views of space with the rest of us earthlings. Just check out the Twitter feed of astronaut Douglas H. Wheelock (@Astro_Wheels), commander of joint U.S. and Russian Expedition 25, the latest rotation of crew on the International Space Station.”


Site Name
How Bats use Echolocation to Find Water
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Site Author
Suggested by
Mike Nolan
“The great bat folks out of Texas have done some great videos, and especially, frog-eating bats.”

Site Name
Live Eagle Cam
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Suggested by
Larry Claypool
View the live Eagle Cam of the "Decorah Eagles from atop their tree at the fish hatchery in Decorah, Iowa."  Decorah is in extreme NE Iowa about 15 miles south of MN state line and about 35 miles west of the MS River.  Scroll down to the text below the video.  You will find some interesting info.  The third and final egg hatched yesterday late afternoon to early evening.  The first one hatched on Friday (4/1).  Next to the info about each hatching click on the video collage to see the actual hatching.  I found the 3rd one to give a much better view of the process, but the first two also show the male in the picture at some points.  He is smaller than the female.  The actual hatching process proceeds along in the same manner as a chicken, duck, or goose egg hatches (if you have ever seen either of those). 


Site Name
Teaching Methods
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Site Author
SERC - Carleton College
Suggested by
Billy Goodman
From assessment to Using Socioscientific Issues to Teach Science,  “Each pedagogic approach is described succinctly so you can quickly understand how the technique might be relevant to your teaching. Written by fellow educators, these descriptions include tips for effectively using each technique, related research on their impacts on learning, as well as a set of example activities.”

Site Name
Employ an Advance Organizer (Agenda)
Suggested by
Jim Therrell
Want to promote being organized? Sending a clear message to the class about the content to be covered during the session can be instrumental in outlining the direction and focus for the class. Employing advance organizers, either written or visual, online makes it easier for instructors and students to attend to and reach desired learning objectives. Setting such an agenda or providing visual cues before the start of class enables students to prepare for learning and stay focused on relevant discussion.

Computer Tips

Site Name
Playing Jeopardy – Methods to Get Every Kid Involved
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Site Author
Youtube and Rochester City School District
Suggested by
Brendan Noon
“Stop by home depot and get a shower panel cut into 2 foot by 2 foot squares to use as whiteboards then every student or small groups can all participate.
The first link is a video describing keeping every kid involved in Jeopardy, while a bunch of game show PowerPoint’s can be found on the second link.”


Site Name
Moon Phases and Lil Wayne
Suggested by
Jason Williams
“I was teaching moon phases last week (Oreo lab, etc.), and I had the students remember that when the light is on the left, the moon is getting smaller - waning - or getting littler like Little Wayne.  It helps that all my students know that Lil' Wayne is considered a LUNAtic in the popular music industry.”

Site Name
Twizzler Radiometric Dating
Suggested by
Nancy Eliot and Jim Ebert
Have the students take two Twizlers. One would be left whole and set aside. After each 15 seconds or 30 or whatever, she would have the students cut the second Twizler in half and set half of it next to the whole Twizler. After the next time increment, the students would cut the remaining half Twizler in half and again place half next to the ones that had been set aside. Not only does this demonstrate the loss of 50% at fixed intervals of time, but if the students have arrayed their Twizler pieces (the ones that were set aside) correctly, it is a nice, edible exponential decay graph in the form of a Twizler histogram! You might even have the student lay the Twizlers on a graph paper that you’ve previously constructed with the vertical axis in percent and scaled to the length of a whole Twizler and the horizontal axis set up as half-lives spaced the width of a Twizler apart.


Arthur C. Clarke wrote his Three laws which are favorites of mine, especially the last one
1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is probably wrong.
2.The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
3.Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Suggested by
Greg R. Flick


Scientists identify sexy dance moves

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Site Author
Suggested by
Wendy Van Norden

“Scientists have given new hope to men who feel their dance floor moves are doing more to repel than to attract women. Psychologists in England say they've identified specific dance moves that really matter. And the body parts they highlight aren't necessarily what women think they're looking for -- or at.”

Teacher Survivor – The Latest Reality Show – Except it IS Reality
Suggested by
Fran Hess
For those who think teaching is a job of glorified babysitting, read below.

 Next Season on Survivor
Have you heard about the next planned "Survivor" show?  Mayor Bloomberg (NYC), Kathy Black (NYC Schools' Chancellor), Governor Walker (Wis) and Governor Christie (NJ) will be dropped in an elementary school classroom for 1 school year.  Each of them will be provided with a copy of his/her school district's curriculum, and a class of 20-25 students.  Each class will have a minimum of five learning-disabled children, three with A.D.H.D., one gifted child, and two who speak limited English. Three students will be labeled with severe behavior problems.

 Each of them must complete lesson plans at least 3 days in advance, with annotations for curriculum objectives and modify, organize, or create their materials accordingly. They will be required to teach students, handle misconduct, implement technology, document attendance, write referrals, correct homework, make bulletin boards, compute grades, complete report cards, document benchmarks, communicate with parents, and arrange parent conferences. They must also stand in their doorway between class changes to monitor the hallways.  In addition, they will complete fire drills, tornado drills, and [Code Red] drills for shooting attacks each month.

 They must attend workshops, faculty meetings, and attend curriculum development meetings. They must also tutor students who are behind and strive to get their 2 non-English speaking children proficient enough to take the SOLS tests.  If they are sick or having a bad day they must not let it show.  Each day they must incorporate reading, writing, math, science, and social studies into the program. They must maintain discipline and provide an educationally stimulating environment to motivate students at all times. If all students do not wish to cooperate, work, or learn, the teacher will
be held responsible.

 These people will only have access to the public golf course on the weekends, but with their new salary, they will not be able to afford it. There will be no access to vendors who want to take them out to lunch, and lunch will be limited to thirty minutes, which is not counted as part of their work day.  They will be permitted to use a student restroom, as long as another survival candidate can supervise their class.

 If the copier is operable, they may make copies of necessary materials before, or after, school. However, they cannot surpass their monthly limit of copies.  They must also continually advance their education, at their expense, and on their own time.

 The winner of this Season of Survivor will be allowed to return to their job.

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